Thursday, May 31, 2012

The video is done!

So, my entry into Alastair Humphrey's micro adventure film festival is finally ready for your viewing pleasure and critique.  Let me know what you think of it on here, or on youtube.  You'll probably find it a little cheesy, but hopefully in an uplifting, motivational speaker kind of way, not a hacky bad comedian way.  I'm happy with how it turned out for the most part, and I think it embodies the feel Alastair is going for with this contest, and with his micro adventures.

Here it is:

My next video will be about rain...  inside...  hopefully...   Stay tuned in june to check it out.

Have an uplifting, motivated day.


Anne G said...

I am Australian. I just attended an adventure travel film festival in a beautiful town in Victoria called Bright. We watched your short video in a tiny " cinema" cum Info Centre and totally enjoyed it. Now I watch your website and love your photos. Have a " jeffVENTURES" day.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment Anne!

I need a little motivation myself sometimes, and that did it!